Work hard, play hard -@xcl_at_life

Who is Xavier?
His birth and diagnoses

Xavier was born a bit early at 25 weeks and then spent 109 days in the NICU fighting, sustaining, and then thriving. During that time and because he was so premature, he suffered a grade-four brain bleed – the equivalent of having a stroke. These injuries affected his future neural development, the extent of which could not be fully determined. This then led to him later having a neurologist diagnose him with Cerebral Palsy.
Because of the brain injuries that he sustained in the NICU and his mom’s experience as a physical therapist, his family had already begun the process of preparing themselves for a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. Fast forward 9 months and his parents received the news that Xavier had been officially diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

“We kind of knew that he was going to get that diagnosis already. So when the doctor said it and put it in his paperwork, we were prepared for that. But it’s still kind of like a finalizing. Now he has a diagnosis and a disability for the rest of his life. So, you know, you still kind of have that in the back of your mind as a parent.”
April, Xavier’s Mom

Standing up!
Following Xavier’s diagnosis confirmation, his parents seized the opportunity to seek out the best medical professionals and therapists for him. They embarked on a mission to maximize every avenue for Xavier’s growth, eventually leading them to discover the Zing Portable, a crucial tool in their efforts to help Xavier thrive.

The Zing portable helps position Xavier in an upright position, and assists him in maintaining his developmental progress. Equipped with hip abduction, the Zing Portable helps maintain Xavier’s hip alignment and hopefully avoiding hip dysplasia. The ease of portability also allows him to maintain a consistent standing routine wherever life takes him. Allowing him the freedom to Excel at life.
Interested in the Zing Portable?
For more information about the Zing Portable. Check out the product page or request a demo below!
Check out Xavier’s configuration
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