Rising Above the Odds: Chloe’s Zing Standing Story

Chloe and her identical twin sister, Birdie, made their entrance into the world earlier than expected, born prematurely at 32 weeks. Early in her life, she suffered a brain injury known as Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL), which later led to a diagnosis of Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. As Chloe transitioned from infancy to toddlerhood, her parents leaned heavily on the support of her doctors and therapists. They guided her through early intervention speech, occupational, and physical therapy, each step filled with determination and hope.

A pivotal moment in Chloe’s journey was when she received her Zing Portable Stander. At just over 1 year old, Chloe began standing daily in the portable stander. Her family made it a point to travel to therapies, family outings, and even camping with the Zing Portable to ensure Chloe was able to stand every single day and interact with her twin sister Birdie face-to-face.

As she grew, Chloe transitioned to the Zing MPS Size 1. These specialized pieces of equipment have become a cornerstone of her therapies. With the help of her stander, Chloe is able to be face-to-face with her family and friends, and she has continued to reach new milestones, each a victory for her and her family. Now at 3 years old, Chloe continues to rise above the odds and make the best of every single day.  

Inspired by Chloe’s resilience and progress, her parents started Chloe’s Instagram account @ChloeRoseAbove. The goal of her account is to advocate for those living with Cerebral Palsy, sharing what life is like, and how the therapies and interventions Chloe has received have helped her. Through @ChloeRoseAbove, they aim to raise awareness and connect with other families navigating similar journeys, offering support and hope to those who need it most.


Standing is a big part of Chloe’s daily routine. Below is her stander and the options she uses to rise above the odds.

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